Title: Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Quarter Century Trinity Box [QCTB]
Game: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Each Quarter Century Trinity Box contains:
- 4 Special Packs. Each pack contains 10 cards. The set contains 60 cards.
- 6 Super Rares
- 54 Normal Parallel Rares
- All Super Rares are also available as Secret Rare and Quarter Century Secret Rare.
- 12 Normal Parallel Rares are also available as Quarter Century Secret Rare.
- 36 Normal Parallel Rares are also available as Super Rare and Secret Rare.
- 1 of 3 Storage Boxes
- 2 of 6 "Yuru-Gi-Oh!" Acrylic Keyholders
- 1 of 3 "Yuru-Gi-Oh!" Clear Cards
- 1 set of 70 large clear card sleeves
*Please note that this product is in Japanese