배틀 스피리츠 - 아이비테일 [랭크:A]
정가 $0.60
배틀 스피리츠 - The SoundBeast Notes 고슴도치 [랭크:A]
정가 $0.30
배틀 스피릿 - FClefSoundBeast 음자리표다람쥐 [랭크:A]
Battle Spirits - The DestroyerEvilDragon Raga [Rank:A]
정가 $0.90
Battle Spirits - The NetherGreatSorcerer Echezeaux [Rank:A]
정가 $1.00
Battle Spirits - The DragonKnight Varenbaran [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The VampireBaron Lezard [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Bone-Dober [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Nether Guardian Knight [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The ClownDragon MCPanther Dragon [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Wise-Dragon [Rank:A]
정가 $2.00
Battle Spirits - Fighter-Dragon [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Wizard-Dragon [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The ClownDragon Archeorni Dragon [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Shielder-Dragon [Rank:A]
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Battle Spirits - Godbreak [Rank:A]
정가 $4.00
Battle Spirits - The RouseSeaEmperor Valshark [Rank:A]
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Battle Spirits - Past Pom [Rank:A]
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Battle Spirits - Big Coconut Crab [Rank:A]
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Battle Spirits - The WanderingSteelKnight Deucalion [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Diamond Betta [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Shield Badger [Rank:A]
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