Battle Spirits - The HolyDragonEmperor's Mega-Grandstone / The HolyDragonEmperor Dict-Seelen [Rank:A]
정가 $2.00
Battle Spirits - The MagicianEmperor's Mega-Grandstone / The MagicianEmperor A-Zra [Rank:A]
정가 $4.00
Battle Spirits - The FierceTigerKing's Mega-Grandstone / The FierceTigerKing Jade-Gowl [Rank:A]
정가 $1.00
Battle Spirits - Seize Glory / The HeavenRouseSpear Rhongo-Mynias [Rank:A]
정가 $3.00
Battle Spirits - The King Dragno [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The InfiniteMachine Wergen-Zeit [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The SnakeEmperorDragon Garmeshard [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The DivineTreeBird BotanicalPhoenix [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The IceDeityPrincess Freesiam [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The PromiseWitch Elneze [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The WBS FirstGenerationChampion The-Beast [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - True-Flame Demon-God [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Zero's Barrier [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The ThreeHeavenDeity Daybreaker [Rank:A]
정가 $6.00
Battle Spirits - The ThreeHeavenDeity Noontide [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The ThreeHeavenDeity Sun-Down [Rank:A]
정가 $7.00
Battle Spirits - Past Hera / Future Hera [Rank:A]
정가 $8.00
Battle Spirits - Past Ares / Future Ares [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Past Demeter / Future Demeter [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Lava Flying Fish [Rank:A]
정가 $0.30
Battle Spirits - The ThunderFourHeavenlyKings Dragon-The-Tsuna [Rank:A]
정가 $0.90
Battle Spirits - The MagicStoneReinforcementTrooper Dragno [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Blanodosaurus [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Lance Iguanas [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The Legate Dragno [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The WindDragon Febranica / The HurricaneDragon Febranica [Rank:A]
정가 $0.50
Battle Spirits - The SiegeTrooper Dragno [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The ThunderFourHeavenlyKings Sakatano-Bear [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The ThunderHero Raikou-Dragon [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Mist Monkey [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The MagicalGirlDoll †Panaché† [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The MagicStoneDragonKnight Zackson [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The DragonKnight Ullrich [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Knowledge Snake [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The DragonKnightChief Jean-Valjean / The FlashingDragonKnightChief Jean-Valjean [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The CrimsonDuke El-Folio [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The SkyDragonKnight Scriver [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Gas Norbear [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The HeavyDragonKnight Adams [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Winsel [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Jigsaw Longhorn [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The WestGiantTree Wordsworth [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - Rafflesian / Rafflion [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The MagicStoneTreeLass Eibietta [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The ShelledKnight Porteri [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The GuardingTree Botanikaiser [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The ArmoredMothGreatShinobi ArgidSawfly [Rank:A]
정가 $0.80
Battle Spirits - The GiantTreeBeast Karma-Karama [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The BlackBlade Jaguardius [Rank:A]
Battle Spirits - The TearWar Teardropper [Rank:A]