Battle Spirits - Nu Gundam[Fall of Axis] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $1.00
Battle Spirits - Guel Jeturk [CEO] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $3.00
Battle Spirits - Gundam Lfrith [Bit On Form] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $8.00
Battle Spirits - Gundam Exia [Setsuna F. Seiei] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $25.00
Battle Spirits - Gundam Barbatos Lupus [Tekkadan] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $35.00
Battle Spirits - Xi Gundam [Funnel Missile] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $33.00
Battle Spirits - Destiny Gundam [Battle of Messiah] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $43.00
Battle Spirits - Strike Freedom Gundam [Meteor Equipped] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $65.00
Battle Spirits - Gundam Aerial (Rebuild) [Permet Score Eight] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $17.00
Battle Spirits - Gundam Calibarn [Final Battle] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $75.00
Battle Spirits - 00 Qan[T] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $53.00
Battle Spirits - Unicorn Gundam [Crystal Body] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $40.00
Battle Spirits - Suletta Mercury [GUND-ARM, Inc.] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $63.00
Battle Spirits - ELS Qan[T] (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $218.00
Battle Spirits - Lacus Clyne (Parallel) [Rank:A]
정가 $498.00